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Hi, the name is

Ayodeji Atanda.


I'm a freelance Fullstack Web Developer with a passion for crafting exceptional digital experiences. My expertise lies in building accessible, human-centered, and SEO-friendly products. As a freelancer, I have the flexibility to work on various projects and I'm currently available for new opportunities. Let's collaborate to create outstanding solutions tailored to your needs.

Persona Blurb

Ayodeji Atanda's portrait

Hey there! I'm Ayodeji, a passionate web developer with a knack for creating visually stunning designs that captivate audiences. I believe that great design should be accessible to everyone, and that's what drives me to craft user-friendly websites that leave a lasting impression.

By day, I'm a dedicated full-stack web developer, leveraging my 2 years of experience in the field to bring innovative solutions to life. I enjoy the dynamic nature of my work, constantly pushing boundaries to deliver seamless experiences and optimize websites for better search engine visibility.

Beyond the realm of code and design, I find joy in the simple pleasures of life. Music is a passion of mine, serving as a constant source of inspiration and motivation throughout my creative journey. And when I'm not coding or designing, you can find me enjoying the refreshing embrace of the water, as swimming provides me with the perfect outlet for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Here are a few technologies i work with:

  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • NextJS
  • GSAP
  • Firebase


  • Sabrioad
  • First Bank PLC

Fullstack Javascript Instructor @ GOMYCODE

09/2023 - Till Date

  • Mentored and facilitated collaborative learning through group discussions, peer code reviews, and team projects, fostering teamwork and enhancing problem-solving skills.
  • Innovatively crafted engaging coding exercises, projects, and real-world scenarios in React, ES6, Node.js, Redux Toolkit, REST APIs, and database management to ensure hands-on learning experiences.
  • Organized workshops, coding bootcamps, and guest speaker sessions, showcasing a strong sense of responsibility and innovation in students' education journey.
  • Stayed current with industry trends, tools, and best practices, seamlessly integrating them into the curriculum to equip students with marketable skills.

Tech Stack



  • GSAP
  • Framer Motion
  • React
  • Javascript
  • TailwindCSS
  • SEO
  • Cloudinary
  • Vercel

Case study 1 of 8: HarvestGrove

Transforming a Figma design into a vibrant HarvestGrove landing page, I utilized React, Framer Motion, and GSAP for dynamic animations. With Tailwind CSS and Cloudinary, the result is a visually stunning and responsive digital showcase that harmonizes artistry and technology.

Get In Touch

Ready to take your web projects to the next level?
Let's collaborate and create exceptional user experiences together.
Contact me now and let's discuss how I can contribute to your frontend development needs. Reach out and let's build something amazing!

Created by X user @dejixice @2023